Let's face it; some kids are fearless champs when it comes to someone taking shears to their head, while some (understandably) cringe and scream in terror. I am going to tell you some things that you can do to prepare your child for their first haircut, or for their next one to (hopefully) make it a more tolerable experience.
1) NEVER REFER TO IT AS A "HAIRCUT;" instead call it a "hair-trim." Children associate the word "cut" with "hurt." They can't quite understand how someone is going to cut them, but it's not going to bleed or need a band-aid after. Trim sounds much less like pain and much more like grooming and hygeine, which is the idea! Make sure you talk about it a lot leading up to T-day. Another great idea is to bring them with you for your "trim." They can sit on your lap or in their stroller and watch how you behave during your appointment. Some kids don't know how to act because they've never seen someone get a trim before!
2) INTRODUCE THE STYLIST/BARBER AS MISS/MR. _________ . Titles command respect and your child will recognize that right away. Plus, it will set a great introduction for the relationship between your child and their new stylist.
3) MAKE IT FUN. When I get a crying child in my chair, I instantly start playing the "No Smiling" game. I tell the child that my chair is a "no-smiling chair." Every time, without fail, it makes them smile. You can't help but smile when someone tells you not to. Next, I tell them it is also a "no-giggling chair" and before I know it, the ice is broken and they are cracking up in my chair.
Another great idea is to bring a couple small toys from home (that you don't mind getting a little hairy) for your child to hold in their hands during the appointment. If their hands are occupied, it is much harder for them to flail them around and it keeps them entertained.
4) BRING SOME HAIR HOME! Even if you don't scrapbook or keep a memory box, bring a ziploc bag and save some hair. It's a great souvenir for your child to see, touch, and feel. They should be proud that they grew that hair all by themselves and were so good about having it trimmed!
5) IF ALL FAILS, COME BACK NEXT WEEK AND TRY AGAIN. If nothing works to calm your cranky or frightened child know this: you aren't the first parent to go through this and you certainly won't be the last. Please don't make the mistake of avoiding trims all-together until the child is older. Be persistant and try again. Talk about it with them when they are calm. If you think the stylist wasn't right for your family, find a new one. The kids will eventually get the hang of it, everyone does :-)
Good luck, my fellow parents! It takes time for some, trust me. My little guy is FIVE and has been getting trims since he was one. He still throws a fit, but every three weeks like clockwork he gets his "trim" which is usually a three-minute buzz cut. Have any great hair-trim stories or ideas that worked for your kids? I'd love to hear them!
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