I think so. Deeply talented yet emotionally disturbed. Only difference is Amy Winehouse snorted her money away first. Gaga's a late bloomer. You know how there's always the tomboy twin? That would be Amy. Gaga is the dainty one. Both have addictions to prescription drugs and black eyeliner. Both frequently forget to put a shirt on when going in public. Both can be found wandering around drunk and lost on weekend nights. Both need copious amounts of makeup to look decent and put way too much effort into making their hair look like poo.

I retract my previous statement. Both put way too much effort into making their hair look like poo OR like Dennis Rodman gave them a golden shower to the face because I'm pretty sure he pisses hair dye and venerial diseases.
You're welcome, FBI. Case of the abducted twins closed.
you worn born with an eye for detail deanna...and if you werent already married..id marry you, bc you are a radical badass with the accuracy of a sniper!