Wednesday, January 5, 2011


 We all have them.  Who are you kidding.  You ain't perfect; there must be something lots of things you could improve.  For me, obv it's all about the hair.  My resolutions are:
1) to take better care of my hair... and
2) not be such a color whore.

   By taking better care of my hair, I mean not taking scalding heat to it any more than once a week with the flat iron or curling iron.
  And by not being a color whore, I mean keeping my strawberry blonde color for a WHOLE ENTIRE year.  That will be the hardest one of all because I love new colors like Paris H. loves the cock.  I go into the distributor and come out with a handful of new colors like Mo'nique goes into a Cumby's and comes out with twinkies and ho-hos.  It's a sick, sad addiction.  I hope you, the readers, can be my voice of reason if I try to stray.  I need to stay on track.  I am counting on YOU to give me a slap crost ma lips via nasty comments on here if I even MENTION changing colors.  Yeah, I mean YOU.  Happy New year, kids.

1 comment:

  1. A whole year with the same color????? I couldn't handle it!
