Working in a barbershop and trimming up men's facial hair has gotten me interested in proper technique. I can tell so many guys are doing it wrong by all their torn up, blemished skin and the ingrown hairs on their necks. I don't know how most guys learn to do it: Does your dad give you lessons in the bathroom when you hit puberty? Do you just teach yourself?
Today, I am going to RE-TEACH you. You might be surprised to find your technique is ace. Or you might find some things to work on.
- The best time to shave is AFTER your shower. If a shower is not available, you'll want to make sure your face is thouroughly wet with HOT water. Barbers use warm, damp towels to steam the face before they shave- also a great technique to do at home. Water of a higher temperature will open your pores and soften the beard. Hair is much easier to cut when it is wet; the same goes for shaving. DO NOT SHAVE YOUR FACE DRY OR WITH COLD WATER.
- Massage the shaving cream to the areas to be shaved. What type of cream is best? Any kind that doesn't contain menthol or benzocaine. Those ingredients might lather or feel great on your skin, but they close the pores and stiffen the beard, so they are not helping your cause. Unfortunately, the best creams can't be purchased at most regular grocery stores. You can get some good shaving products at your local Sally Beauty Supply or even a barbershop.

- Letting the cream set for a minute is best. It's job is to lubricate your skin and soften the coarse hair on your face and that doesn't happen immediately after you apply it. If you can get your hands on a shaving brush (again, from beauty supply or barbershop) that will provide optimum results and is great at preventing and exfoliating ingrown hairs. Plus it helps the lather.
- What kind of razor to use? That is determined by your preference, athough one with a heavier handle is best. The triple and quattro blades are going to shave you the closest. NEVER USE A DULL BLADE. A blade dulls after two weeks, sooner if you shave often. That means you are going to go through atleast 2 blades a month regardless of how often you shave.

- For a closer shave, moisten again with water, lather again with cream, and shave the exact same way you did the first time. Do not shave against the hair growth this time either. Barbers do shave sideways the second time, but we are trained professionals with a professional blade. DO NOT attempt this at home.
- Rinse your blade thouroughly and shake off excess water. You are only rinsing to get rid of hair and residue, so hot water is not necessary. DO NOT wipe blade on a towl or anything for that matter, as this will dull the blade faster.
- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser with lukewarm water. Rinse it with COOL water. An astringent is a great idea as well for acne prone skin. Finally, you will apply an aftershave lotion or moiturizer.
- Cut yourself shaving? Sticking little pieces of toilet paper on it is not a good look. You're an adult. Buy yourself an alum block or a nick-relief powder.
Now, go, my pupils and be fruitful with this information I have given you. Please shave responsibly.
Also shaving IN the shower is nice, if you have a fog free mirror, or dont mind wiping a regular mirror off every 30 seconds.