Friday, October 15, 2010

Worst Hair in Hollywood

Perhaps she's more like a runner-up.  The absolute worst would be Britney, but she's auto-disqualified because A) I feel sorry for her and B) She just doesn't give a shit about her hair.  This is aimed at those who actually try and do not succeed.
  Obviously next in line would be our favorite cocaine snorting, heroin-injecting, washed-up freckled face has-been, none other than Miss Lindsay Lohan.  Again, doesn't qualify because she's too busy smoking butts and abusing pain medicine in Rehab to care about her mane.  She's probably traded her super awesome/expensive styling products and hairbrushes with other rehabees for vicodins.

So B-list we go, to Katherine Heigl. She shows up at premieres and events with updos that look like she was a bridesmaid the night before, drank too much, puked in her hair, passed out in the back of a limo, then showed up at whatever event her publicist told her to.  Also in accordance with Brit and Lins, Kat here can't decide which horrible haircolor to settle with.

Exhibit A, B, and C
  Katherine as a blonde is not entirely a bad color for her.  It's her long, fake ponytail that looks about as realistic as Heidi Montag's boobs.  Like the stylist was like, "Oh, Katherine, I just give up.  We'll just clip on this hair that looks Cousin It's penis.  You look fabulous. "
Katherine as a gray/brown/blonde bobbed mess.  It is exactly the color of the dishwater after I've washed my pots and pans.  It looks atrocious.  We know you're movies kind of suck, but they do pay you, right?  Can you afford a colorist?

 Katherine as Jackie O.  Don't go there, girlfraann.  Don't touch Jackie O.  Lindsay and I would appreciate it if you would give her some pills in exchange for her hairbrush.  A ponytail and headband too while we're at it.
 Ahhhh.... much better.  Thanks, Lindsay.

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